- Direct elemental analysis of petroleum heavy fractions by means of ICP-OES equipped with a high temperature torch integrated sample introduction system
- Quantification of nickel, vanadium and manganese in petroleum products and biofuels through inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry equipped with a high temperature single pass spray chamber.
- Determination of trace elements in petroleum products by inductively coupled plasma techniques: A critical review.
- Universal calibration for metal determination in fuels and biofuels by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry based on segmented flow injection and a 350 ºC heated chamber
- Multielemental analysis of vegetable oils and fats by means of ICP-OES following a dilution and shot methodology
- Direct lead isotopic analysis of bioethanol by means of multi-collector ICP-mass spectrometry with a total consumption sample introduction system
- Analysis of bioethanol samples through Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry with a total sample consumption system
- Metals and metalloids determination in bioethanol through inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectroscopy
- Metal and metalloid determination in biodiesel and bioethanol
- Total polyphenol content and metals determination in Spanish virgin olive oils by means of a dispersive liquid-liquid aerosol phase extraction method and ICP-MS
- Determination of trace elements in undiluted wine samples using an automatized total sample consumption system coupled to ICP-MS
- Determination of fat-soluble vitamins in vegetable oils through microwave-assisted high-performance liquid chromatography
- Optimisation of analytical methods for the characterisation of oranges, clementines and citrus hybrids cultivated in Spain on the basis of their composition in ascorbic acid, citric acid and major sugars
- Microwave High Performance Liquid Chromatography with UV-visible Detection. Application to Vitamins Determination
- Rapid and sensitive determination of carbohydrates in foods using high temperature liquid chromatography with evaporative light scattering detection
- Development of an Analytical Method for the Combined Determination of Water-Soluble Vitamins and Minerals Through High-Performance Liquid Chromatography-Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry Hyphenation
- Ion balance in waters through inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry
- Speciation of phosphorus oxoacids in natural and waste water samples
- High temperature liquid chromatography-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry for the determination of arsenosugars in biological samples
- Improving the analytical performances of ICP-AES by using a high-temperature single-pass spray chamber and segmented-injections micro-sample introduction for the analysis of environmental samples
- Comparative evaluation of ICP sample introduction systems to be used in the metabolite profiling of chlorine-containing pharmaceuticals via HPLC-ICP-MS
- Cerebrospinal fluid elemental analysis by using a total sample consumption system operated at high temperature adapted to inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry
- Analysis of whole blood by ICP-MS equipped with a high temperature total sample consumption system
- Quantitative elemental analysis of polymers through laser ablation - inductively coupled plasma by using a dried droplet calibration approach, DDCA
- Novel Aerosol Phase Extraction Method for the Determination of Ca, K, Mg and Na in Biodiesel Through Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry
- Fully Automatic In-Syringe Magnetic Stirring-Assisted Dispersive Liquid–Liquid Microextraction Hyphenated to High-Temperature Torch Integrated Sample Introduction System-Inductively Coupled Plasma Spectrometer with Direct Injection of the Organic Phase
- A dried droplet calibration approach for the analysis of solid samples through laser ablation – inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry
- Speciation analysis by small-bore HPLC coupled to ICPMS
- Total introduction of microsamples in inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry by high-temperature evaporation chamber with a sheathing gas stream
- Development of a new aerosol phase extraction method for metal determination through inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry
- Comparison of a high temperature torch integrated sample introduction system with a desolvation system for the analysis of microsamples through inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry
- Limitations of the exponential model for the correction for mass discrimination effects during isotope ratio measurements by MC-ICPMS. Demonstration with Sr at 5-15 uL min-1 continuous liquid flow rates